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 Editor(s): Professor David Andrew Phoenix  Publisher: One Central Press  ISBN (eBook): 9781910086032  Language: English


Fabrication, Characterization & Tools:

– Sustainable Nanomanufacturing
– Nanoscale Materials Characterization
– Modeling & Simulation at the Nanoscale
– NanoFab: Manufacturing & Instrumentation
– MEMS & NEMS Devices & Applications
– Biosensing, Diagnostics & Imaging
– Nanotechnology Knowledge Infrastructure

Chemical & Advanced materials:

– Carbon Nano Structures & Devices
– Graphene
– Nanoparticle Synthesis & Applications
– Composite Materials
– Nanofluids
– Nanostructured Materials & Devices
– Nanostructured Coatings, Surfaces & Membranes
– Polymer Nanotechnology
– Soft Nanotechnology & Colloids
– Nanomaterials for Catalysis
– Bio Nano Materials
– Materials for Drug & Gene Delivery
– Green Chemistry & Materials
– Nanomaterials for Clean & Sustainable Technology

Electronics & Microsystems:

– Nano Electronics Devices and Nano Electronics for 2020 and Beyond
– Nano Electronics Devices
– NanoFab: Manufacturing & Instrumentation
– Organic & Flexible Electronics
– Photonic Materials & Devices
– Green Electronics
– MEMS & NEMS Devices & Applications
– Inkjet Design, Materials & Fabrication
– Micro & Nano Fluidics
– Modeling & Simulation of Microsystems

Medical & Biotech:

– Bio Nano Materials
– Nano Medical Sciences
– Materials for Drug & Gene Delivery
– Biosensing, Diagnostics & Imaging
– Nanotechnology for Sensors and Sensors for Nanotechnology: Improving and Protecting Health, Safety and the Environment
– Cancer Nanotechnology
– Micro & Nano Fluidics

Energy, efficiency & Environment:

– Environmental Health & Safety
– Nanotechnology for Solar Energy Collection and Conversion
– Energy Storage & Novel Generation
– Nanotech & Cleantech for Oil & Gas
– NanoNuclear Materials, Fuels, Applications
– Renewable Energy Technologies
– Bio Sources for Materials & Fuels
– Green Chemistry & Materials
– Water Technologies
– Smart Grid
– Nanomaterials for Clean & Sustainable Technology




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Book Editor Profile

David Andrew Phoenix
David Andrew Phoenix
London South Bank University, UK

Professor David Andrew Phoenix, OBE, AcSS, DSc studied Biochemistry at degree and doctoral level at Liverpool University which in 2009 awarded him a Doctor of Science for his impact on the field. In 2000 he was appointed Professor of Biochemistry, at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and has held visiting chairs in Canada, China and Russia. He has over 200 publications as well as a number of edited collections and monographs focused on the structure function relationships of bioactive amphiphilic molecules. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, The Society of Biology, The Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications and the Royal Society of Medicine. He was elected to Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh) for his contribution to medical research and education in 2013 and in 2013 was also appointed Vice Chancellor of London South Bank University. He was made an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 2010 for services to Science and Higher Education and recognized as an Academician by the Academy of Social Sciences in 2012.
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